KEYTLaw, LLC, Attorneys

Direct Phone: 480-664-7478
Email: [email protected]

Law Practice Areas:  Estate planning, entity formation, real estate law, business law and contracts

To make a free estate plan consultation or an appointment for a 5 – 30 minute phone call with Richard Keyt (the father) go to Rick’s online calendar and make an appointment.

Direct Phone: 480-664-7472
Email: [email protected]

Law Practice Areas:  Estate planning, probate law, nonprofit corporations and charity law, entity formation, real estate law, business law and contracts

To make a free estate plan consultation or an appointment for a 5 – 30 minute phone call with Richard C. Keyt (the son) go to Ricky’s online calendar and make an appointment.

KEYTLaw, LLC, Legal Assistants

Email: [email protected]

  • Michelle Watkins – estate planning

Direct Phone: 480-664-7413
Email: [email protected]

  • Amanda Duran – LLCs & probates

Direct Phone: 480-664-7846
Email: [email protected]

  • Luana Strugari – director of client services

Direct Phone: 480-996-8188
Email: [email protected]

  • Noah Bernstein – LLCs, Nonprofit Corporations & Corporate Transparency Act

Direct Phone: 480-605-2391
Email: [email protected]