Question:  If I form an Arizona limited liability company, can it do business in a state other than Arizona?

Answer:  Yes.  An entity formed in one state can do business in any other state in the United States.  Usually, if an entity formed in State A does business in State B, the entity must register or qualify to do business in State B, which means filing some papers and paying a fee to State B.  If State B has an income tax and the entity formed in State A does business in State B and derives income from within State B, the entity must file a state income tax return in State B and pay State B the tax on the income derived from within State B.

Two Easy Ways to Hire Richard Keyt to Form Your Arizona LLC for $497 (Bronze), $797 (Silver) or $1,297 (Gold)

To learn about what is included in each of our three LLC formation packages see our Bronze ($497), Silver ($797) & Gold ($1,297) LLC Formation Packages Comparison page.

We’ve made it very easy to hire Richard Keyt (9,400+ LLCs formed) and KEYTLaw, LLC, to form your new Arizona LLC.  It’s a simple 5 – 10 minute process.  To hire Richard to form your new LLC select one of the following two options:

Option 1 – Telephone

Call any of the following KEYTLaw people and give your LLC and credit card information over the phone:

  • Richard Keyt (father) – 480-664-7478
  • Richard’s son and former CPA Richard C. Keyt – 480-664-7472
  • KEYTLaw LLC legal assistant Amanda Duran - 480-664-7846

Option 2: Online – Available 24/7

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you are not happy with the formation service we provide, you may ask for a refund in writing within thirty days after the date we file your LLC’s Articles of Organization and we will refund your LLC formation fee less the $85 filing fee.