To purchase KEYTLaw, LLC's, address service for your company or for you as a member of an Arizona LLC complete this Agreement and click the Submit button at the end.
What is the legal name of the limited liability company?
What is the legal name of the corporation?
What is the legal name of the partnership?
What type of partnership is the partnership?
What is the legal name of the person who is the landlord?
In what state was the entity formed?
Name of the person who is our contact. This is the person to whom we will send correspondence and our consent to be the statutory agent.
Where do we send correspondence to the contact person?
A condition to purchase KEYTLaw, LLC's, address service is you must read and accept our Statutory Agent Service Agreement. Check this box to confirm that the contact person completed and submitted this Questionnaire and he or she confirms that he or she has read the Statutory Agent Service Agreement and accepts it as the authorized agent on behalf of the entity or person.