Don’t Pay LegalZoom More than an Arizona LLC Attorney to Form an Arizona LLC
Question: People frequently ask me why they should hire me, Richard Keyt, an Arizona LLC attorney who has formed 9,400+ AZ LLCs, to form their Arizona limited liability company instead of LegalZoom?
Answer: People should hire me to form their AZ LLC instead of LegalZoom for the following reasons:
- We file the new company’s FinCEN Beneficial Owner Information report required by the Corporate Transparency Act for our Silver and Gold LLC formation packages. If your new company does not file this report within 90 days of its formation date the U.S. Treasury can fine the company $500 a day for each day the report is late. See FinCEN Filer, LLC to learn more about this law. Companies formed before 2024 must file their report on or before December 31, 2024. LegalZoom charges an additional $99 to file this report.
- I’m $372 Cheaper than LegalZoom for Similar Services: As of 2/24/24 LegalZoom’s premium LLC formation package is $582, but it includes an attorney fee of $49/month for a year, which is an additional $588/year. FinCEN BOI report filing fee is $99. The total LLC premium formation fee for the first year is $1,269, which is $372 more than my $897 Silver LLC package which includes filing the FinCEN BOI report.
- I Don’t Require You to be Legally Bound to 56 Pages of Legal Contracts: Unlike LegalZoom I don’t require people to enter into any contracts to hire me to form an LLC. LegalZoom requires its LLC customers to agree to 56 pages of legalese contained in the following six contracts: (i) Terms of Use (13 pages), (ii) Terms of Service (10 pages), (iii) Supplemental Terms of Service for Registered Agent Services (7 pages) (iv) Supplemental Terms of Service for Subscriptions and Third Party Services (8 pages), (v) Legal Plan Contract (7 pages), and (vi) Privacy Policy (7 pages). As a contracts attorney I am blown away by the number and complexity of the six agreements LegalZoom requires people to agree to before it forms an LLC. NEVER AGREE TO BE OBLIGATED UNDER LegalZoom’s 56 pages of legalese.
- Our annual statutory agent (aka Registered Agent) fee is $99. LegalZoom’s annual statutory agent Service is $199/year.
- I’ve Got 377 Five Star Reviews: Read our 377 happy client five-star reviews on Google, Facebook & Birdeye. When I Google LegalZoom it doesn’t display any reviews.
- I’m an Arizona LLC Attorney who has been forming LLCs since 1992: I formed the first LLC in Arizona the day Arizona’s LLC law became effective in October of 1992. I have formed 9,400+ Arizona LLCs since I started counting in 2002.