How Can I Legally Omit My Name as a Member of an Arizona LLC?
Question: I want to form an Arizona limited liability company. I understand that Arizona law requires that the names and addresses of all members of an Arizona member managed LLC must be disclosed in the Articles of Organization, which is a public record on the internet. How can I form an Arizona LLC and avoid having my name and address appear on the Arizona Corporation Commission’s public records?
Answer: Yes if you do it the right way. Arizona Revised Statutes Section 29-3201.B requires that the Articles of Organization filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission must contain the name and address of all members if the LLC is member managed or the names and addresses of only those members who own 20% or more of the LLC if the company is manager managed.
There is a simple and relatively inexpensive way to comply with Arizona law, but not disclose your name in the Articles of Organization filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission to form an Arizona LLC. For the solution and how to keep your name off the records of an Arizona LLC, see my article called “How to Form an Arizona LLC without Disclosing Its Ultimate Owner(s).”