Thanks for hiring us to form your new Arizona LLC. Before we can form your new LLC you must complete our short data input Questionnaire. When you hire Richard to form your Arizona LLC you are hiring him to provide the LLC formation services applicable for the Bronze, Silver or Gold LLC formation package that you purchased.
We use this Questionnaire to collect the information needed to form your new Arizona LLC and prepare the company’s custom Operating Agreement and other documents. When you get to the end of the form and click on the Submit button our system will send an email with all the information you entered to the email address of the person named in the Questionnaire as the LLC’s contact person. If you do not get this email, tell our LLC legal assistant Amanda Duran - 480-664-7846 and [email protected].
If you have any questions about this Questionnaire or if you want to give us the information over the phone call any of the following KEYTLaw people:
- Richard Keyt, J.D., LL.M (federal taxation) – 480-664-7478
- Richard’s son attorney & former CPA Richard C. Keyt – 480-664-7472
- KEYTLaw LLC legal assistant Amanda Duran - 480-664-7846
Before you start to enter data you need to do the following:
1. Check the Arizona Corporation Commission’s name availability database and make sure the name you want for your LLC satisfies Arizona’s LLC naming requirements. The minimum requirements under Arizona law for the name of a limited liability company or fictitious name of a foreign limited liability company are that it contain the words “limited liability company” or “limited company” or the abbreviations L.L.C., L.C., LLC, or LC. If the existing limited liability company name or the fictitious name adopted for use in Arizona does not contain one of those words or an abbreviation of one of those words, then one of those words or an abbreviation of one of those words must be added to it. The name shall not contain the words “association”, “corporation”, “incorporated”, or an abbreviation of those words.
2. Have the following LLC information available:
- Name of the LLC. If you are not sure of the name just enter name to come later in the Questionnaire.
- The LLC’s place of business in Arizona. It can be a home address, business address or UPS mailbox, but not a U.S. post office box. If you don’t have an Arizona address or if you don’t want your address to be disclosed on the public records of the LLC then purchase our address service for $100/year. It is easy to change the address after the LLC is formed.
- Name, address (any where in the world is good), phone number and email address of every member (owner). If a member is married we need to know the name of the member’s spouse and if the member will own his or her interest in the LLC as community property or separate property. If the member is an entity we need to know the state of formation and the name and title of the person who signs for the entity. If the member is a trust we need to know the name of the trust, the date of the trust agreement and the name(s) of the trustee(s).
- The percentage of the LLC to be owned by each member and if any member is required to contribute money to the LLC the amount(s) and due date(s) of the payments.
- Name(s) and addresses of the manager(s). A manager of the LLC is the equivalent to the president of a corporation. Only managers can sign contracts and legally bind the LLC on debts and obligations. Managers do not have to be owners/members.
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