KEYTLaw Attorneys & Staff Contact Information

Attorney Phone Numbers:

Richard Keyt, JD, LL.M. (masters degree in federal income tax)

Direct Phone: 480-664-7478
Email: [email protected]
Rick's calendar to book a free office, phone or Zoom meeting

Richard C. Keyt, JD, MS (accounting – former CPA) 

Direct Phone: 480-664-7472
Email: [email protected]
Ricky's calendar to book a free office, phone or Zoom meeting

Book a Free Meeting

To make a free office, phone, or Zoom video meeting with Richard Keyt (the father) or Richard C. Keyt (the son) to get answers to questions about

go to the Keyt's online calendar and make the appointment.  You can also call our legal assistant Michelle Watkins at Michelle Watkins at 480-664-7413 to make an appointment with Rick or Ricky.

Legal Assistant Phone Numbers:

Michelle Watkins – Wills & Trusts

Direct Phone: 480-664-7413
Fax: 602-297-6890
Email: [email protected]

Noah Bernstein – LLCs, Corporations & Corporate Transparency Act

Direct Phone: 480-605-2391
Email: [email protected]

Amanda Duran – LLCs & Probates

Direct Phone: 480-664-7846
Email: [email protected]

Scottsdale, Arizona, Gainey Ranch Office Location:

7373 E. Doubletree Ranch Road, Suite 135
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Google Map

Map & Driving Directions to 7373 E. Doubletree Ranch Road, Suite 135, Scottsdale, AZ 85258