KEYTLaw Attorneys & Staff Contact Information
Attorney Phone Numbers:
Richard Keyt, JD, LL.M. (masters degree in federal income tax)
Direct Phone: 480-664-7478
Email: [email protected]
Rick's calendar to book a free office, phone or Zoom meeting
Richard C. Keyt, JD, MS (accounting – former CPA)
Direct Phone: 480-664-7472
Email: [email protected]
Ricky's calendar to book a free office, phone or Zoom meeting
Book a Free Meeting
To make a free office, phone, or Zoom video meeting with Richard Keyt (the father) or Richard C. Keyt (the son) to get answers to questions about
- forming or operating Arizona LLCs and PLLCs
- wills, trusts, and estate planning
- forming Arizona nonprofit corporations
- forming Arizona LLCs owned by an IRA to make self-directed non-traditional investments
- preparing or reviewing prenuptial agreements
- buying or selling a business or Arizona real estate
go to the Keyt's online calendar and make the appointment. You can also call our legal assistant Michelle Watkins at Michelle Watkins at 480-664-7413 to make an appointment with Rick or Ricky.
Legal Assistant Phone Numbers:
Michelle Watkins – Wills & Trusts
Direct Phone: 480-664-7413
Fax: 602-297-6890
Email: [email protected]
Noah Bernstein – LLCs, Corporations & Corporate Transparency Act
Direct Phone: 480-605-2391
Email: [email protected]
Amanda Duran – LLCs & Probates
Direct Phone: 480-664-7846
Email: [email protected]
Scottsdale, Arizona, Gainey Ranch Office Location:
7373 E. Doubletree Ranch Road, Suite 135
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Google Map
Map & Driving Directions to 7373 E. Doubletree Ranch Road, Suite 135, Scottsdale, AZ 85258