Discussing end-of-life preparations is a subject that many individuals tend to shy away from, so it isn’t surprising that less than 33% have taken the time to create an estate plan. When someone dies without a will, state law takes over and decides who receives your property and what types of property will pass which way. 

A will is the cornerstone of your estate plan. A properly drafted will can make sure your family is taken care of if something should happen to you. KEYTLaw can help you put in place a comprehensive estate plan that will give you peace of mind. With over 50 years of combined estate planning experience and hundreds of estate plans executed, KEYTLaw have helped countless clients create wills that accomplish their goals. 

You won't find a more knowledgeable team of estate planning lawyers in the Glendale area! Call our Glendale wills lawyers today for a free consultation. 

Glendale Wills Lawyers

Why Is a Will Important?

A will is a basic estate planning document that represents your wishes for the distribution of your personal and real property after you die. Without one, your estate will be distributed according to state intestate succession laws, which may not align with your wishes. This can lead to family squabbles and lengthy litigation, with your property going to individuals whom you might not wish to benefit from your estate. A will can prevent these issues. 

If drafted properly, a will can:

  • Ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes
  • Designate guardians for minor children
  • Specify funeral arrangements and other personal wishes
  • Minimize potential estate taxes and legal complications

Our Glendale wills lawyers can guide you through the process of creating a will, ensuring that all your bases are covered and your family's future is protected.

Parts of a Will

Arming yourself with knowledge of what the essential elements of a will look like can prove useful in putting together a comprehensive estate plan. Below is an example of how a simple will might appear:

  1. Introductory part: This portion states your name, address, and that this is your last will and testament.
  2. Appointment of executor: Here you name an executor who will administer your estate. Your executor will see that your instructions are carried out and your creditors are paid.
  3. Guardianship provisions: If you have children under the age of 18, this section lets you appoint someone to be their guardian.
  4. Bequests and legacies: This section lists gifts of property or money left to people or institutions.
  5. Residuary clause: This covers the distribution of any assets not specifically mentioned in the will.
  6. Signatures and witnesses: The will must be signed by you and witnessed by at least two people for it to be legally recognized. 

Our team is highly skilled in tailoring these elements to your exact requirements, ensuring that your will is precise, legally valid, and thorough. 

How Our Glendale Wills Lawyers Can Help

When you have the need for a will or any estate planning services, KEYTLaw is the right choice. Our Glendale wills lawyers will provide you with a professional, personalized estate planning service. We will take the time to ask questions to get to know who you are and what you hope to accomplish. We will work with you to craft a will that best represents who you truly are and what you wish to happen to your estate when the time comes! Our services include:

  • Free initial consultation: We’ll take time to learn about your estate planning needs and answer all your questions.
  • Your will—your way: We prepare your will to suit your needs, using the most appropriate legal forms.
  •  Review and updates: Review your will periodically, and after major life events. 
  •  Full estate planning: In addition to wills, we offer trusts, powers of attorney and healthcare directives. 

Count on our Glendale wills lawyers to provide you with exceptional service and a sense of security, built upon our extensive years of experience and dedication to our clients.

Choose KEYTLaw to Create Your Will and Safeguard Your Family

We are Arizona estate planning attorneys Richard Keyt and Richard C. Keyt (father and son), and we help clients with virtually every aspect of estate planning and probate legal services. We are passionate about helping our clients secure their families’ futures and dedicated to providing each client with compassionate, thorough and reliable legal services.

Don’t leave your children and grandchildren’s future to chance. Contact KEYTLaw for a free consultation. We help you create a comprehensive estate plan so that your loved ones are protected and your wishes are carried out. Don’t wait—call us today!